Leading with Integrity

By Ann-Marie Taylor

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” – Luke 16:10 (NIV)

The biblical principle of integrity is foundational in leadership.  In Luke 16:10, God provides a measuring stick for us to use in gauging integrity.  This standard can be used to check our own integrity, but it can also provide discernment in understanding the health of integrity in others.  

In leadership, it is important to be intentional in our integrity.  The Bible is clear that we are to be thoughtful and to speak in truth.  At times, Christians find this challenging and they worry that direct words may be hurtful or perhaps misinterpreted. At the same time, needed words left unsaid often pave the way to destruction.  Speaking in truth while balancing sensitivity plays an important role in this biblical principle.  

As leaders, are we doing what we say we will do?  Are we the same person at work that we are at home?  Are we courageous in our leadership when it is time to have a difficult conversation?  What type of role model are we when it comes to integrity?  Are we recognizing and affirming team members who pursue integrity?  Integrity is a non-negotiable leadership principle that is foundational for the health of a team and must be consistently modeled by the leader.  

Let’s challenge ourselves to practice intentional leadership integrity.  This cornerstone will not only make us better leaders; it will also promote strong relationships among our teams, relationships rooted in trust.  The results may prove surprising! 

Ann-Marie Taylor

Palm Beach Atlantic University

PBA Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary Services and Procurement



Lifework is an eight-month leadership experience that runs from September to May. Each class examines the life of Jesus as the best example of a leader and influencer, as well as corporate leadership best practices.